Lakeridge Class of 1985 Reunion
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why is the event being held at the Lake Theater again?
We had so much fun at our 30-year, why not do it again? It's the perfect space to accomodate our group, we all love the lake, we know where it is, and pretty sure we all have at least one memory there from back in the day. If you’d like to go back in time, you’ll be able to sit in a preserved section of balcony seating, perched over the event space, and throw popcorn (or whatever).
Should I bring my spouse/significant other, or come solo?
About half of the attendess at the 30-year reunion brought a +1. The more the merrier, do what works for you – there will be a blend of solo attendees and couples.
Please note children and grandchildren are not invited to the event - pictures welcome!
Why the price jump for the tickets beginning July 15?
Substantial payments to the caterers and the venue are due several weeks before the event, and we also need to pin down final numbers to set menus and arrange rentals. We are floating these costs ourselves, since we’ve not hired a reunion company. It would be best if everyone sign up prior to August 1st so that everything can be solidified and paid for, so we are very much trying to discourage procrastinators. All tickets are to be purchased online prior to arriving at the event, they will not be available at the door.
What is included in the ticket price?
What should I wear?
Casual dress – this is the Lake Theater, after all; wear whatever makes you most comfortable though, dress up or down or come as you were!
Is there a refund policy?
Refunds will be provided with a written request received by August 8th; a $20 fee applies per ticket.